Call Reporting Correction Form

This form is used only to submit corrections to earlier reports which have not yet been updated by the administator. This correction, once submitted will be captured, but will not appear on the main call report until verified by administrator.

PSR P42 of team Rheo
Call Date: (in YYYYMMDD format):
Search account name:

If account is not in the list above please enter in this text box:
If the "Not applicable" text box is used, enter short address(street, town) in box below. Avoid using "." or "," or quotations.

Select the contact person's name from the drop-down list on the right. If not available in the drop-downlist, enter the details in the text boxes below (in Red Table). Skip the red table if name is found in the dropdown list. Select Contect:

If you are writing a new report, and have previously used the red table, you need to reset the values back to original.

Title Name Position
Remember to set this back to blank in new report Remember to set this to "Not applicable". Copy and paste if you are not sure. Remember to set this back to blank in new report

Corrections to database, if any should be done using the boxes in the green table, ignore if no corrections required: Select name from the contact drop down list. Avoid using "." or quotations. Corrections are for
Title Name Position

Call Objective:

Time below should be entered as hhmm as in 1315 for 1.15 pm or 0915 for 9.15 am.

CallTime: Begin at  to   

Call status:

Collection status:

Outcome of call:

Call Details: Promotion is for items that you detail, Campaign is for products on special deals, Reminder is for products previously promoted or sampled. Sampling is for what you gave to the customer.

Promotion Campaign Reminder Sampling

Where applicable enter the discussion main points below. Keep it short, please.

Discussion point 1:

Discussion point 2:

Discussion point 3:

Discussion point 4:

Discussion point 5:

Discussion point 6:

When you click the submit call report button, a link to the report you submitted will appear after this line. Click on the link to view it. If you have not already done so, record the begin time. This information is required to generate the call list.