Cumulative sales summaries by selected months for area P42 (Report ID: FPT021)

1. Select begin month: Please select the begin and end months correctly, ie the end month must be equal to or later than the begin month. If you wish to see only one month, both the begin and end months must be the same. Otherwise select the required months accordingly. If the tables below show no values, it is most probably because the months selected were in reverse order.
Please also note that the target values are only for current financial year.
2. Select end month:
3. Click this
Selected month(s) sales and analysis  
Selected month(s) total analysis excl KDM,MAX
Selected month(s) line analysis
AA 1822.80 5300
EMP 2040.00 0
IMI 83.60 200
JOS 17466.00 36000
KDM 532290.31 0
MAX 2397.00 0
MRX 1736.66 0
MSK 285298.20 283000
ONE 12816.81 20000
SSB OEM 13870.00 9000
WS 183446.40 202000